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  • Kimanil laboratory furnished with up-to-date equipment that required for correct performance of the test according to the international standards. The equipments list is attached as annex 4.
  • All equipment (measuring instruments, reagents, media, apparatus, standards,.) that used in testing are under the technical manager control and laboratory does not use equipments outside its permanent control.
  • The lab ensure that the equipments used for measurement are capable of achieving the measurement accuracy and measurement uncertainty required to provide a valid result according to equipment handling procedure
  • Measuring equipment is calibrated
  • The maintenance and calibration manager is establishing calibration plan for all measuring equipment that has effect on the quality of testing results
  • Each item of the equipment is uniquely identified with specific code by special label, Calibration labels are being attached to equipment as appropriate. 
  • The laboratory cooperates with professional companies for the equipment maintenance and evaluates them by technical management according to the procedure of purchasing services and supplies. Each equipment has its own catalogue sourced from the company.
  • The laboratory uses appropriate and latest version of the test methods for testing according to the national and international testing method standards which meet the needs of the customer and appropriate for the test undertaken. The lab also has procedure for estimating the measurement uncertainty.
  • All methods, procedures and supporting documents used including testing method, special procedure, equipment working instruction/catalogues, standards testing methods, home methods are kept up to date and made readily available to all personnel according to their duties.

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