For a Better Future

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We understand your business and the challenges you face. Our experts sit on the standards committees and have applied many of the tests you rely on.

Innovative Microbiology

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Our commitment to upholding the highest standards and building strong customer partnerships is driven by our shared desire to improve and save lives.

Microbiology Solutions

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Kimanil lab comprehensive provider of Microbiology solutions. Our expert advisors can guide you along your product development lifecycle to ensure the safety of your products.

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Environmental Swabs Services

on-site swabs services by kimanil lab according to customers plan contact us: 01095398989

kimanil lab conduct projects for analysis water & wastewater to meet environmental laws and regulations . kimanil can support industrial sectors in term of water and wastewater treatment solutions through our consultants and experts , contact us for contact project.

Microbiology risk assessment is crucial for ensuring the safety of food products in the industry & restaurants and hypermarket.. By identifying potential hazards, assessing exposure, characterizing the risks, and implementing effective control measures. contact us for contract services.

Kimanil is registered at IMC Since 2006 to provide technical training courses including Food Microbiology ,microbiology lab practice and safety rules, safety in microbiology laboratory, HACCP, GMP and IPM. contact us for training service,.Mob. 01018886099

Kimanil lab is offering microbiology research services to Companies and scientific community . We offer various opportunities for project collaboration. Projects are carried out in the form of research projects, development projects, services or student projects, such as semester papers, Bachelor’s theses, or Master’s, Ph.D theses.

At every stage in the food supply chain, maintaining hygiene, preventing spoilage and avoiding contamination are important priorities for processors, manufacturers and retailers. protecting consumer health by testing for the presence of harmful micro-organisms in your food products can be achieved with reliable microbiology testing. kimanil team use ISO methods to test for the presence of pathogens like Listeria, Salmonella and E.coil amongst many more parameters. Also, we offer day-to-day support and consulting services, providing expert experience and cutting-edge facilities , helping customers comply with food safety regulations.

Target customers food Industries, hypermarkets, restaurants, catering and all food supply chains, scientific community .

The landscape of food safety is continuously evolving , driven by technological advancements, regulatory updates and shifting consumer expectations. Stakeholders in the food industry must stay informed about these trends and adapt to ensure the safety and quality of food products. with kimanil lab we provide comprehensive food safety solutions related to food microbiology testing.

Listeria Risk Assessment.


Kimanil Lab is accredited to test Listeria monocytogenes according to ISO 11290-1:2004. Kimanil Lab can work on your project regarding Listeria Risk Assessment. Listeria can found in Unpasteurized (raw) milk and dairy products, Soft cheese made with unpasteurized milk, Raw fruits and vegetables ,ready-to-eat deli meats and hot dogs, Refrigerated smoked seafood. Contact us for analysis contract.

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Salmonella Risk Assessment.


Kimanil lab is accredited to test  Salmonella according to ISO 6579:2002/Cor 2004. Salmonella can be found in many foods including beef,  chicken, eggs, fruits, pork, sprouts, vegetables, and even processed foods, such as nut butters, frozen pot pies, chicken nuggets, and stuffed chicken entrees. Contact us for analysis contract.

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Legionella Risk Assessment.


Kimanil Lab is accredited to test Legionella according to ISO 11731-2:2004. Kimanil Lab work can conducts clients projects regarding Legionella Risk Assessment. Legionella is a tool used to identify risk factors in a facility and determine interventions for controlling risks of Legionnaires‘ disease.

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