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  • Legal enforceable commitments, for the management of all information obtained or created during the performance of laboratory activities which will be cleared in the contract and sample request between lab and the customer
  • Customer will be informed in advance of the information to be placed in the public domain which will be documented.
  • when laboratory is required by law or authorized by contractual arrangements to release confidential information, the customer or  individual concerned shall, unless prohibited by law, be notified of the information provided.
  • Information about the customer obtained from other sources (e.g. complains, regulators) will be confidential unless agreed with the source.
  • Information obtained during performance of the lab activities will be confidential by all personnel including contractors, personnel of external bodies which will be mentioned in the contract before the beginning of the work (form number F1-4.2)
  • The  lab has restricted instructions to ensure the protection of the confidential information and proprietary rights for its customers as follows;
  • It is not allowed for any lab staff to use the laboratory facilities or doing relation with any customer unless through the lab management. In case of any violation of the confidentiality and honesty by any staff member the management must take decision to correct this violation.
  • All documents and information are kept and maintained safely to ensure the confidentiality of the customers’ information. Only authorized persons have access to the record and information section.
  • The electronic records are maintained on a hard disk drive that can be accessed only by authorized persons.
  • The lab has defined responsibilities, authorities and interrelationships of all personnel who manage perform or verify work affecting the quality or test. When feasible, depending on census of personnel, deputies are appointed for key personnel.

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